
Focus on innovative and personalized care, Natasha Regenerative Medicine aims to provide effective solutions for complex health challenges by leveraging the regenerative potential of the patient’s own cells.

Discover What Natasha Regenerative Medicine

Represents a groundbreaking advancement in cell-based therapy. By utilizing specialized facilities equipped with the latest tools and cutting-edge technology, Natasha Regenerative Medicine is now able to offer treatments that come from the patient’s own adipose (fat) tissue, which is also known as autologous adipose tissue.

Advanced Healthcare

Degenerative Diseases

A disease in which the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs changes for the worse over time.


body's natural defense system that can't tell the difference between your own cells and foreign cells, causing the body to mistakenly attack normal cells.

Aesthetics or Beauty

Aging of facial and body skin

Our Experts

dr. Fredi Setyawan

Founder of Natasha Skin Clinic

Dr. Habib Torfi

Founder of Beverly Hills Institute of Surgery USA

dr. Hiroshi Nomura

Japan Lipolife Association Vice President

dr. Dody Budiarso

Director of Natasha Skin Clinic Center

Prof. Dr. dr. Hardyanto Soebono, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.DT

Chief Medical Officer of Natasha Skin Clinic Center

Prof. Dr. dr. Yohanes Widodo Wirohadidjojo, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.O.B.K

Expert Advisor

Rianto Noviady Ramli, SpB, SpBP-RE

Plastic Surgery Specialist

dr. Hendi Prihatna, Sp.An-TI

Anesthesia Specialist

dr. Flandiana Yogianti, Ph.D., Sp.DVE, Subsp.DKE

Key Opinion Leader

Treatment Price

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